Martina Lippi
Research title: Negotiating inclusive early careers and the virtual workplace: Diminishing or increasing the disability divide?
Research Summary
The research focuses on neurodivergent workers with particular attention to early careers entering the workplace for the first time. This includes exploring career choices, and how these interrelate with the physical and virtual world of work.
Lippi, M. (2023) 'Neurodiverse youth transitions into digital workplaces: Between stigma and training needs', Youth + Work Symposium. Monash University, 22 June.
Lippi, M. (2023) 'When in/exclusion works online: A sociomaterial exploration of neurodiverse employees' experience of enterprise social media', EGOS. University of Cagliari, 6-8 July.
Lippi, M. (2023) 'Neurodiversity identity work: A sociomaterial exploration', Work, Employment and Society. Glasgow Caledonian University, 13-15 September.
Lippi, M. (2024) 'Neurodivergent early careers’ identities at the crossroads: Between the physical and the virtual world of work', EGOS. University of Milano-Bicocca, 04-06 July.
Lippi, M. (2024) 'Disabled youth transitioning to where? Differences in occupations and industry in the wake of digitalisation', Conference Journal of Youth Studies. University of Ulster, 03-05 September.
Lippi, M. (2024) 'Employment, mental health and neurodiversity: A latent class analysis between neurodivergent, other disabled and non-disabled people', SSMPH. University of Glasgow, 04-06 September.
PhD Tutor (2023/2024)
MGT1005 - Introduction to Management
MGT1026 - Foundations of Finance
PhD Tutor (2024/2025)
ACCFIN1016 - Introduction to Finance, Investments and Institutions
MGT5296 - Management Research Methods
Additional Information
Academic Background
MRes Management, University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
MA(SocSci) Business & Management/Social & Public Policy, University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom