Marcos Gaspar Montenegro Calvimonte



Personal website:


Research title: Diagnostic Expectations in DSGE models

Research Summary

My research centers on Macroeconomics, Behavioural Economics, and DSGE modeling, with a particular focus on understanding expectations-driven volatility in sectors such as housing and foreign exchange, and its implications for policy. 


CoSS (College of Social Sciences) PhD Scholarships for MRes/PhD, 2018-2023



  • XXV Conference on International Economics and XII Meeting on International Economics (Alicante, Spain)
  • Scottish Economics Society Annual Conference (University of Glasgow)


  • 12th PhD student conference on International Macroeconomics (University Paris Nanterre)
  • Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics Residential Conference, (United Kingdom)


  • 1st Ph.D. Workshop on Expectations in Macroeconomics (Barcelona)
  • 4th Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop (University of Bamberg, Germany)



ECON 2001 Economics 2A, Level 2 (SCQF level 8)

ECON 4019 Macroeconomic Analysis: Inflation, Unemployment and Growth, Level 4 (SCQF level 10)


ECON 5073 Behavioral Economics: Theory and Applications, Level 5 (SCQF level 11)

ECON 5002 Basic Econometrics, Level 5 (SCQF level 11)

Additional Information

I recently completed an internship in the Monetary Policy Strategy Section at the Bundesbank, where I contributed to the team’s analytical and policy work by extending a DSGE model with open-economy components to analyse questions about monetary policy.