Maddie Sinclair


Research title: MVLS DTP

Research Summary

My research is on the role of dietary guidelines in the transition towards more sustainable diets in the School of Health and Wellbeing. Combining expertise from Psychology and Nutrition, I am interested in behaviour change, sustainability, dietary habits, the use of information and misinformation and barriers to policymaking. So far my research has involved a review of global dietary guidelines, a survey to understand norms, behaviours and attitudes towards the UK dietary guidelines, and a follow-up survey and interviews as part of a wider project to understand barriers, enablers in the changes towards and away from plant-based diets.

I am part of the Complexity Programme at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit.



Livestock, Environment and People (LEAP), Oxford, April 2024

British Feeding and Drinking Group Conference, Cambridge, April 2024

Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems, Edinburgh, March 2024

UK Society for Behavioural Medicine, Glagsow, March 2024

British Feeding and Drinking Group Conference, Leeds, April 2023

Nutrition Society Scottish Section Conference, Glasgow, March 2023

Livestock, Environment and People (LEAP), Oxford, January 2023