Laura Ebeler
Global Sustainable Development (GSD), Advanced Research Centre, University of Glasgow
Research title: Development of an interdisciplinary decision support tool to inform mangrove restoration/conservation in large Asian deltas
Research Summary
Mangroves are diverse yet vulnerable coastal forests that offer several ecosystem services, including coastal protection and habitat for biodiversity. However, they have faced severe degradation and conversion to other land uses. Many restoration and conservation efforts fail to fully consider the socio-ecological complexities that influence mangrove health and sustainability. My research seeks to develop an interdisciplinary decision support tool that integrates these complexities to enhance the effectiveness of mangrove restoration and conservation strategies in Vietnam's Mekong and Red River deltas.
SAGES Writing Retreat (The Burn, Edzell, UK) – Accommodation, subsistence, and travel funded by the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES), 2024.
SAGES Small Grants Scheme for conference attendance (£750) | Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES) | 2023
Travel Grant to attend 'CoSS PGR Symposium' at University of Glasgow, UK (£200) | College of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow | 2022
Travel Grant to attend 'Mangrove Resilience Workshop' at Newcastle University, UK | Newton Bhabha Fund Researcher Link Workshop, through British Council in collaboration with the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India | 2021
GCRF Living Deltas PhD Scholarship | College of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow | 2021
Research Grant for study abroad and internship at Bangor University, UK | ERASMUS+ | 2015-2016
Travel Grant to attend 'Summer School in Human Geography' at Altai State University, RU | German Academic Exchange Service | 2013
- Researcher Education and Development Scholarship Conference (REDS), 2024, hosted online by the University of Leeds, UK
- GTA Developers Forum, 2024, Sheffield, UK
- 6th Mangrove Macrobenthos and Management Conference (MMM6), 2023, Cartagena, CO
- SGSSS Summer School, 2023, Edinburgh, UK
- SAGES Annual Science Meeting (ASM), 2023, Aberdeen, UK
- SAGES Annual Science Meeting (ASM), 2022, Dundee, UK
- Delta Futures: (In)Visibilities in Audiovisual Culture, 2022, Durham, UK
- CoSS PGR Symposium, 2022, Glasgow, UK
- Workshop: Building Ecological Resilience in Vulnerable Mangroves of the Indian Sundarbans: Sustainable and Equitable Management of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the era of Climate Change, 2021, Newcastle, UK
- Workshop: Place-based socio-ecological research in times of COVID-19, 2020, online
- UK Alliance for Disaster Research (UKADR) September Sessions, 2020, online
- German Congress for Geography, 2019, Kiel, DE
- First International AtlantOS Symposium, 2019, Paris, FRA
- Workshop: Climate Change Adaptation Finance: How to Govern and Distribute Scarce Funding, 2018, Kiel, DE
- EOOS Conference, 2018, Brussels, BEL
- IMDIS Conference, 2018, Barcelona, ESP
- Connecting glider data flows in Europe and beyond – An international conference on glider data management, 2018, Genoa, ITA
- Workshop: Marine Social Science, 2018, Kiel, DE
- Workshop: Decadal Climate Forecasts, 2018, Hamburg, DE
- Workshop: Coastal Ocean Modelling, 2018, Hamburg, DE
- Workshop: Tidal Lagoons, 2016, Menai Bridge, UK
- Oceanology International, 2016, London, UK
I am a Postgraduate Tutor for the Widening Participation Top-Up Programme and a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) in the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences (GES). Currently, I am working towards achieving Associate Fellowship of RET (RET AF). Previously, I worked as a student intern on the Learning & Teaching Development Fund (LTDF) scholarship project titled 'Enhancing the Undergraduate Classroom Experience: A Training Model Evaluation for the Development of GTAs', where I contributed to the revision of the GTA development model in GES. I have contributed to the following courses and programmes:
- Geography 1: Living in a Changing World (GEOG1001)
- Geography 2 (GEOG2001)
- Climate and Carbon Literacy (GEOG5126)
- University of Glasgow Widening Participation Summer School (Academic Subject 1) (EDUC1096)
Additional Information
My qualifications include a BSc in Geography from Giessen University and a MSc in Environmental Geography and Management from Kiel University. Prior to joining the University of Glasgow and the Living Deltas project, I gained experience in both research and governmental roles, including positions at Kiel University, the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, and Germany's National Meteorological Service in Hamburg. My research interests centre on environmental issues, particularly climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. I thrive in interdisciplinary, applied, and collaborative projects that aim to creating meaningful societal impact. My previous work spans areas such as adaptation finance, vulnerability to sea-level rise, ocean observation systems, and nearshore wave modelling.
I am a member of:
- Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES)
- Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS)
- Scottish Graduate School for Social Science (SGSSS)
- GTA Developers Forum
- Advance HE Connect