Kyle Shead



Research title: Use of IPSCs as a novel platform to screen for cardiotoxicity in anti-cancer therapies

Research Summary

Cardiotoxic effects of Anti-Cancer Therapies

Cancer patients are at a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In some instances this is due to direct cardiotoxic effects of specific systemic anti-cancer therapies (SACT) during treatment. These include; anthracyclines, Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors, Proteasome Inhibitors and more. The aim of my research is to use basic science techniques, namely use of human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CM) to:

  • Modelling drug-induced cardiotoxicity to enable better predicition of cardiotoxcity in patients
  • Identifying molecular pathways involved in the progression of cardiotoxicity in to find novel therapies and/or preventative measures  
  • To understand and model the effects of patient-relevant comorbidities on the onset of cardiotoxicity during certain cancer treatment regimens

Techniques used:

  • Fluorescence microscopy to measure hiPSC-CM electrophysiology
  • Calcium measurements in hiPSC-CMs
  • Image analysis of cellular contractility and health
  • Biomarker analysis 
  • Immunofluorescence 

Other interests: 

  • 3D cell culture
  • Cellular signalling
  • Protein post-translational modifications
  • Cancer