Kang Xie
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Er9raKwAAAAJ&hl=en
Research title: Speleothems in Scottish sea caves
Research Summary
My research is focused on the study of Scottish speleothems to reconstruct paleoclimate and relative sea-level change.
I use geochemical methods like multi collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Scanner, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) to date speleothem samples and identify elemental changes of them. Through analysing these data and characteristics of speleothems, I hope to better understand some past climatic events and reconstruct paleoclimate change.
£800 Sir Alwyn Williams Postgraduate Scholarship,2023
£500 BSG Postgraduate Conference Attendance Grant,2023
€300 IAS Travel Grant for EGU General Assembly,2023
£750 SAGES 11th call Small Grants Scheme (SSGS) funding,2023
£300 Edinburgh geological society Mykura Fund,2023 - Fieldtrip to Iona
£470 Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland Postgraduate Student Bursary,2023
£12,390 (Equivalent) National Environmental Isotope Facility Grant,UK,2022- High-resolution Stable Isotope Analysis for Iona Speleothem
£750 SAGES 10th call Small Grants Scheme (SSGS) funding,2022
International Conference Presentations
- EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria)
- EGU General Assembly 2023 (Vienna, Austria)
- 21st International Sedimentological Congress,2022 (Beijing,China)
Earth Science Level 2 Lab Demonstrater/Leader
Earth Science Level 2 Workshop Leader