Kaizhao Guo

Email: k.guo.1@research.gla.ac.uk

Office: Room 527D, Main Building, University of Glasgow

Personal Website: https://gkaizhaog.mystrikingly.com

Research title: Automation Technologies and Low-Skill Labour Supply: Evidence from Labour Markets in the UK

Research Summary

This paper will use micro-level data to explore the impacts of automation technologies on low-skill labour supply. By conducting static nonlinear panel data model based on UK worker-level data about individual working hours and task intensities, I can investigate the impacts of technological shocks on labour market outcomes in the UK.

Moreover, this will first follow semi-parametric approach to make panel data econometric analysis and use commuting time to instrument endogenous technological change. Research about technological change on low-skill workers related to some specific policies will be beneficial to analysis on labour supply in the UK.





Wang Y. and Guo K. (2018). Analysis of the Influence of Import Substitution Strategy on the Development of Russian Industry. Eurasian Economics. 1. Pp.54-58+127.

Wang Y. and Guo K. (2018). Taking the Market as the Starting Point to Promote Supply and Structural Reform. Results Report of Coordination Centre of Socialist Economy with Chinese Characteristics. 36.

Guo K.and Wang Y. (2020). College Wage Premium in China: from the Perspective of Skill-Biased Technical Change. Journal of Business and Economics. Forthcoming.


The 12th International Symposium on Human Capital, Beijing, China, 05/12/2020

The Fourth China Labour Economics Frontier Forum, Chengdu, China, 05/12/2020

The 16th China Labour Economists Quarterly Forum, Beijing, China, 19/12/2020


2020-2021, Semester 1:

ECON1001: Economics 1A (undergraduate level 1)

ECON3023: Topics in Contemporary Economics (Uncertainty part, undergraduate level 3)

ECON4003: Econometrics 1: Introduction to Econometrics (undergraduate honour)


2020-2021, Semester 2:

ECON1011: Introduction to Alternative Economics (undergraduate level 1)

ECON4004: Econometrics 2: Multiple Regression and Applications (undergraduate honour)


2021-2022, Semester 1:

ECON4003: Econometrics 1: Introduction to Econometrics (undergraduate honour)

ECON4005P/5102P: Research Methods and Dissertation Training (postgraduate taught)


2021-2022, Semester 2:

ECON4004: Econometrics 2: Multiple Regression and Applications (undergraduate honour)

ECON4005P/5102P: Research Methods and Dissertation Training (postgraduate taught)

Additional Information

Bachelor’s Degree:

Nankai University in China (2018)

Major: Accounting, BSc Management (2014-2018)

Minor: Economics, BSc Economics (2015-2018)

(Exchange student in City University of Hong Kong, 08/2016-12/2016)


Master’s Degree:

Warwick University (2019)

Major: MSc Economics

Thesis Title: Evaluation of College Wage Premium in China: from the Perspective of Skill-Biased Technical Change

Supervisor: Professor Wiji Arulampalam