Juliette Irretier
Research title: 'Tonic on our battered souls'? Geopolitical Investigations of German Outlander Fandom and Screen Tourism in Scotland
Research Summary
Following observations about screen imagery and fandom in the context of the changing political landscape in Europe, my interdisciplinary PhD focuses on German screen tourism to Scotland, using Outlander (2014-) as the main case study. Having been identified as ‘the new Braveheart of tourism’, the show has generated the ‘Outlander effect’, a massive boost in tourism to Scotland (VisitScotland 2017, 2019). It proves insightful regarding the geopolitical context of film location visits, which I explore through topics including Heimat (homeland), escapism, nationalism, cultural heritage and place-based identity.
PhD Research Funding
SGSAH AHRC DTP & College Scholarship (2018-19)
Talks & Paper Presentations
OUTLANDER Conference Glasgow (2023)
'PGR Experience: Developing Professional Networks' - PGR Townhall Meeting & Networking Event (2019)
Symposium on Fantasy & the Fantastic (2019)
'Constructing Places' - Postgraduate-led Live Video Cultural Heritage & Tourism Symposium (2019)
Theatre, Film & TV Studies & Centre for Cultural Policy Research Postgraduate Symposium (2019)
Conference Administration
OUTLANDER Conference Glasgow (2020)
Graduate Teaching Assistant
FTV2B History, Aesthetics & Genre 2020-21 - Seminar leader (2021)
FTV4094 Film Tourism 2019-20 - Presentation on screen tourism (2020)
PhD Roundtable for MLitt Students in Film & TV Studies (2020)
Additional Information
Journal Editing
eSharp, International Online Journal for PG Research, Issue 27 'Trans-' (2019)
British Association of Film, Television & Screen Studies (BAFTSS)
Women in Tourism