Jose Maria Moreno de Guerra Beato


Research title: Topological Structure of Equilibrium Problems

Research Summary

My main areas of interest are mathematical economics and mathematical game theory, and to a lesser extend general equilibrium. In particular, I am interested in the study of the structure of graphs of multi-valued mappings that arise as solutions to economic and game theoretic problems. I am also interested in how tools from differential topology can then be used to study stability properties of the resulting equilibria.

I am also interested in the problem of determining which sets can result as Nash equilibria of arbitrary finite sets. This is a surprisingly challenging problem that has connections to mathematics and computer science.

Recently, I have also taken an interest in refinements of equilibria in insurance markets where risk-types might be infinite or unbounded. 


Conferences I have attended:

  • SAET Paris 2023


I am currently teaching

  • ECON4074 Mathematical Methods for Economists
  • ECON5081 Microeconomic Theory 1/2 (General Equilibrium and Game Theory parts)
  • ECON4053 Game Theory for Economists

Previously I have taught

  • ECON4020 Microeconomic Analysis: General Equilibrium, Public Decision and Information