Joel Terry
Telephone: 07954503059
School of Physics and Astronomy
Kelvin building
Room 246b
Research title: Affordable Aberration Corrected Ultra-Widefield Retinal Imaging
Research Summary
My research is focused on retinal imaging where I am attempting to develop a new low cost handheld retinal camera capable of imaging up to 80% of the retina, compared to just 30% which you might achieve from a high street opticians . Importantly we are implementing a multi scale design approach to this problem which will not only reduce cost, but will also allow use to correct optical aberration induced by the eye, meaning our camera, on paper, will perform 10x better than current market leading device.
- Terry J, Geddes D, Ochoa-Gutierrez V, Yang Z, Smith KJ, Harvey AR. Trans-scleral Illumination-The Future of Retinal Imaging?. InEuropean Physical Journal Web of Conferences 2022 Sep (Vol. 266, p. 02007).
- Terry, J., Santacana, G.C. and Harvey, A., 2022, July. Multi-scale Aberration Corrected Imaging of the Retina. In Imaging Systems and Applications (pp. ITh5D-2). Optica Publishing Group.
- Terry J