Jiaheng Deng
Research title: Protection of the Rights of Female Migrant Domestic Workers and Child Labourers--Two Sides of the Same Coin
Research Summary
Jiaheng (Adela) is a PhD Candidate at the University of Glasgow. Before her PhD, she got her Master's degree in Human Rights at the University of Edinburgh. Her broad interest in human rights crystallised into her current focus on women's and labour rights during her studies at the University of Edinburgh. Her PhD thesis is a comparative study that addresses the devaluation of care work in UK labour law and uses feminist legal theory to navigate the potential for enhancing the value of care. Although her research is most relevant to feminism, she remains interested in political economy and legal history. Her research also attempts to consider these elements.
Conference Papers:
'State Obligations in Public Health Governance', International Conference on Big Data and Social Sciences, August 2020
'Experience and Prospect of Trade War between China and the United States', International Conference on Humanities Education and Social Sciences, October 2021
Writing and Publishing in the Law of the ECHR, workshop, University of Cologne,2024
Socio-Legal Studies Association(SLSA)2024 Annual Conference
Additional Information
Jiaheng (Adela) was a landscape architecture student before she decided to study law. Despite many people's views that landscape architecture and law are unrelated, the interaction of people and landscapes shaped her understanding of law on a broad scale. Her research has consistently featured her empathy for people and reflection on human values.
In addition to research, she practices drawing, plays the piano, and teaches Pilates. She believes lots of research inspiration comes from doing these things. Although she has been devoting most of her time to research lately, she doesn't have much time for these things anymore, but she will find the balance and figure things out.