Irene Piedrahita Arcila
Research title: Beyond the use of violence
Research Summary
My doctoral research examines justifications for violence as they are constructed in the narratives of ex-combatants of the FARC guerrilla and the AUC paramilitary group in Colombia. The aim is to understand the nature of these justifications between 1982 and 2006, a period of heightened military intensity in the Colombian conflict. In contrast to the dominant approaches within the academic literature on the Colombian conflict, which concentrates on general analyses and the views of victims, this research will centre on ex-combatants’ perspectives which remain under-researched in the field of transitional justice in Colombia. This project seeks to answer critical questions about violence and peacebuilding, and it will focus on the following research question: How do FARC and AUC ex-combatants explain the logic of violence developed and deployed during the Colombian armed conflict between 1982 and 2006?
Piedrahita Arcila, I. (2024). Las voces de responsables de secuestro en procesos de esclarecimiento de la verdad y producción de memorias. El caso del reconocimiento de secuestro en Caicedo, Antioquia, 2021. Estudios Políticos, (71), 84–112.
Piedrahita-Arcila, I. (2022). Reflexiones sobre olvidos, negacionismos y revisionismos en la transición colombiana. Forum. Revista Departamento de Ciencia Política, (22), 241–258.
Piedrahita Arcila, I., & Sánchez González, E. (2021). Rostros de la estatalidad en Medellín, 1987-1995. Una aproximación teórica y metodológica para estudiar al Estado. Estudios Políticos, (61), 23–46.