Irem Denizli



Research title: Uncovering genomic basis of seasonal biology

Research Summary

My current research aims to unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying seasonal polyphenism in Siberian hamsters. This phenomenon, where organisms exhibit different phenotypes depending on the variations in photoperiod, provides a unique model for studying adaptive physiological and morphological changes. I employ a multi-omics approach that integrates next-generation sequencing technologies, such as RNA-seq, whole-genome sequencing, ChIP-Seq, with advanced bioinformatics analysis to identify key genetic and epigenetic factors driving these seasonal variations.By combining these methodologies, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of how environmental cues are translated into molecular signals that regulate phenotypic plasticity.


MVLS - Conference Support Funding 2024/2025 for SICB 2025


UK Clock Club (2024) - Poster Presentation


- Stats and Modelling

- Biology 2A

Additional Information

I hold a BSc in Molecular Biology and Genetics and an MSc from Boğaziçi University, where my thesis focused on molecular toxicology and cancer regulation. During my master's, I worked as a bioinformatician, providing support for a bioinformatics start-up.