Holly Niven
email: h.niven.1@research.gla.ac.uk
Research title: Developing the theory of disturbances in metapopulations: applications to seabirds and renewables
Research Summary
Research Interests
I am a quantitative ecologist interested in using modelling for applied conservation benefits. I am particularly interested in understanding drivers of population dynamics (e.g. climate change, anthropogenic disturbances) and the ramifications for population viability in an uncertain future.
Current Research
- Estimating biologically realistic home ranges in colonial animals for improved accuracy and transferability
- Impacts of climate on the metapopulation dynamics of a Northeast Atlantic seabird across two centuries
- Modelling capercaillie population dynamics in Scotland: drivers, viability, evaluating proposed conservation measures
Also see:
Additional Information
2020-2021 MSc in Quantitative Methods in Biodiversity, Conservation and Epidemiology - University of Glasgow
2017-2020 BSc in Mathematics and Physics - University of St Andrews
Professional Bodies
British Ecological Society Member