Esther Bancroft




Research title: Infinite and Invisible Words: The Language of Space in 17thc

Research Summary

Research Interests

- Early Modern Literature

- Atomism in the Seventeenth Century

- 'Glass Texts'

- John Milton

- John Donne

 Current thesis:

'Infinite and Invisible Words: The Language of Space in Seventeenth-Century Literature'

My project places early modern literary and scientific developments alongside one another to explore the use of language to denote absences and spatial anomalies such as vacuums, infinitude, and immaterial forces such as gravity and magnets. I will investigate the idea that outer space is an innovative environmental ecology which can effect fresh conceptual overlaps between scientific and literary fields in seventeenth century culture. 


Bancroft, E., '"Something white, uncertain": Whiteness in Robert Frost's poetry', BILT Journal (Volume 2, 2001)


'Infinite and Invisible Words: The Language of Space in Seventeenth-Century Literature'

- University of Glasgow College of Arts Doctoral Scholarship award. 2022-2025


"Salvaging Representational Objects at Sea". BCMH New Researchers in Maritime History, online (March 2020)

Additional Information

I am co-chair of the Postgraduate Early Modern Society at the University of Glasgow, English Literature, School of Critical Studies. I am currently co-organising a conference for postgraduates from the College of Arts ('Exclusion in the Early Modern Period', 1-2 June 2023)