Emma Van Dinter


ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0009-0005-7808-4106

Research title: Summative Multimodal Assessments: Developing Practitioners' Understanding and Access to Multimodal Assessments for Utilisation in the BGE English Classroom

Research Summary

My study explores social-cultural influences, such as identity and culture, shaping learners’ literacies and meaning-making by addressing how educators understand and implement a Pedagogy of Multiliteracies and Multimodality (New London Group, 1996) to develop summative assessments within a Scottish secondary English context. 

By engaging educators in workshops to co-construct multimodal summative assessment opportunities, my research offers secondary English educators practical support and centralisation in creating and implementing sustainable curriculum changes which align with established policies such as the Curriculum for Excellence (2010), UNCRC (Scotland) Act (2024), National Improvement Framework (2023), and Getting it Right for Every Child (2006) to address equity, inclusion, and student attainment goals. 

Since “educational justice is the ultimate impetus for work in multiliteracies” (Lim et al, 2022, p. 2), this study aims to support learners by empowering educators to be agents of change by developing summative multimodal assessments which value the diversity of students’ meaning-making capabilities and literacies.    

I seek to support learners by empowering teachers to expand how students can express meaning-making and learning, to improve inclusion by valuing students' diverse capabilities, and to contribute to developing practical supports for teachers to measure literacy attainment using multimodal assessments.


Van Dinter, E. (2023). Adopting a Pedagogy of Multiliteracies for Multimodal Assessments in the BGE English Classroom. International Journal of Teacher Education and Teaching, 3(2), 10-29.



Govender, N., Van Dinter, E., Caitlin, J. (2022, July 1-3). Multimodal Literacies: Inclusion, Assessment& Critical Literacies [symposium]. The 57th UKLA International Conference, Birmingham, UK.

Additional Information

Project Intern: ELINET, Language Education and Multilingualism