Emilia Nora Arpini
email: e.arpini.1@research.gla.ac.uk
School of Social and Political Sciences
Research title: Producing public spaces at the local scale. Popular economy initiatives of agroecological and gardening work in contemporary Argentina.
Research Summary
I am a political scientist interested in municipalism, public ownership, land struggles and democratic participation in Latin America.
My current research aims to understand how deprivatisation and public ownership are defined and practiced at the local scale by actors that take part in these initiatives in Argentina, considering the role of state agencies and social movements. My intended contribution to knowledge lies in building theory capable of understanding this phenomenon beyond North-Western geographies.
I have also undertaken research on Participatory Budgeting in Argentine municipalities, focusing on meanings and attributes of participation within local state institutions and for adult and young participants.
My current research is funded by a scholarship from the European Research Council, and it is conducted as part of a transnational comparative project titled “Global Remunicipalisation and the Post-Neoliberal Turn” (GLOBALMUN).
I have also received scholarships from the Argentine National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET), the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and the Argentine National Interuniversity Council (CIN).
- Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) (April 2021) “Participatory Policies and Local States in times of COVID-19 in the Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina. Towards a new participatory governance?”
- Alternative Futures and Popular Protest - University of Manchester (AFPP) (June 2021) “Countering neoliberalisation by harnessing the local state? The role of social movements in (re)municipalisations in Argentina, Germany and the USA”. Co-presented with Laura Stegemann and Grace Brown.
- Royal Geographical Society (RGS) (September 2021) “Participatory politics, municipalism and the state. The Participatory Budgeting in Argentina.”
- European Sociological Association (ESA) (September 2021) “Countering Neoliberalisation In, Against, and Beyond the Local State? The Role of Social Movements in Re/municipalisation in Argentina, Germany and the United States”. Co-presented with Laura Stegemann and Grace Brown.