Elliot Napier
School of Social and Political Sciences
University of Glasgow
Miller the Cat Building
40 Bute Gardens
G12 8RT
Егер сіз менің зерттеуіме қатысқыңыз келсе, ақпарат алу үшін осы жерді басыңыз (ағылшын және орыс тілінде). Немесе маған электрондық пошта немесе Ватсап арқылы жаза аласыз. Қазақ, ағылшын немесе орыс тілінде жаза аласыз.
Если вы хотите принять участие в моем исследовании, нажмите здесь, чтобы получить информацию. Или напишите мне на почту или Ватсап на русском, английском или казахском языках.
Research title: Becoming a queer migrant in Kazakhstan
Research Summary
My PhD is funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, through the Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences, and is provisionally titled "Becoming a Queer Migrant in Kazakhstan: Choices, Pathways, Identities."
Through a participant-centred, participatory exploration of pre-movement queer migration decision-making with queer migrants and aspiring queer migrants in Kazakhstan, I aim to shed new light on queer migratory aspiration and destination choice not just in Kazakhstan but also across other countries and regions.
- Economic and Social Research Council: 3.5 PhD Scholarship, 2022-2026
- Scottish Graduate School for Social Sciences: Difficult Language Training (DLT), 2023-4
- University of Wisconsin-Madison: WISLI scholarship, 2023
- University of Wisconsin-Madison: CESSI scholarship, 2023
- Central Eurasian Studies Society Annual Conference
(September 2022) Napier, E., Conference Presentation:
“It's half being queer and half just wanting to leave:" Queer migration in Kazakhstan
- Wisconsin Intensive Summer Languages Institute Conference
(July 2023) Napier, E., Conference Presentation:
“Queer migration in Kazakhstan"
- European Society for Central Asian Studies Regional Conference
(September 2023) Napier, E., Conference Presentation:
“Queer migration in Kazakhstan"
- Central Asian Studies Network in Germany (CASNiG) Annual Conference
(November 2023) Napier, E., Conference Presentation:
“The queer lens and queer migration in Kazakhstan”
- British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies Annual Conference
(April 2024) Napier, E., Conference Presentation:
The Queer Lens on Migration in Kazakhstan
Widening Participation
- Top-Up Programme 2022-23
'Scotland,' 'Energy' and 'Ethics of Science' courses
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, School of Sciences and Humanities, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan Sep 2023 - Jan 2024
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science and International Relations, School of Sciences and Humanities, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan Oct 2024 - Apr 2025
Additional Information
- Central Eurasian Studies Society
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme IMCEERES:
- International Master (IntM) Central and East European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, University of Glasgow (2022)
- Master of Arts (MA) Central and East European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia (2022)
- Master (MA) International Relations, KIMEP University, Kazakhstan (2022)
- MA(Hons) Central and East European Studies and Russian Language, University of Glasgow (2022)
Selective summer schools
- Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute, Wisconsin Intensive Summer Language Institutes, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2023. Kazakh Language. Full scholarship.
- Fukushima Ambassadors Programme, Fukushima University, 2018.
Professional experience
My professional background is wide and varied, including stints in public service, politics, as a bus driver, chauffeur, library assistant, and two years as a full member of the University's highest governing body, the University Court.