Elizabeth Robertson
Email - e.robertson.5@research.gla.ac.uk
Research title: (Re)Creating sound and place at Glencoe
Research Summary
Through the use of immersive soundscapes, my research is about creating new forms of interaction with Scottish Highland landscapes through their archaeological, historical and geographical dimensions, and how this differs to representations that primarily rely on visual stimuli. As part of this practice-based research I will seek to explore the ways in which creative audio experiences, experiments and acoustic reconstructions can engage audiences with the past in emotional, meaningful ways. These augmented and mixed reality experiences can show how such technology can enhance an audience’s experience of cultural heritage landscapes, and how immersive audio can play with the lack of visual presence versus sonic presence when it comes to interpreting such landscapes. These contemporary digital interventions will promote more nuanced interpretations of highland life which have often been subject to romantic stereotypes and a memorialised past.
- Dr Gareth Beale
- Dr Stuart Jeffrey
- Professor Michael Given
Robertson, E., (2021) 'Creating sound and place in Scottish Highland landscapes' Scottish Archaeological Forum Conference, University of Glasgow.
1A: Archaeology of Scotland (GTA)
1B: Archaeology of the Modern World (GTA)