Edward Stewart

Postgraduate Researcher,


Gregory Building,

University of Glasgow

Lilybank Gardens,

G12 8QQ

Research title: Repopulating the Braes

Research Summary

Research aims and questions:

My research will investigate the relationship between shieling practice and other seasonal upland industries in post-medieval Scotland in order to repopulate, in the collective imagination, supposedly ‘empty’ places once filled by this common transhumance practice.

  • What was the relationship between shieling practice and other seasonal upland industries and practices in the highlands of Scotland?
  • How did the changing social and economic practices in the post-medieval period impact the development of shieling practice?
  • What role did shieling practice play in the socio-economic sustainability of crofting lifestyles in the Highlands of Scotland and how does this impact the sustainability of modern crofting as it develops?
  • How can we ‘repopulate’ the post-medieval highlands in the minds of future generations.

Research Interests:

Landscape Archaeology, Post-Medieval Archaeology, transhumance, Historical Geography, activitst scholarship and the cultural politics of land reform.

 Recording Shieling Huts in Gleann Leac-na-Muidhe



List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2022 | 2020
Number of items: 2.


Samuels, J. T. et al. (2022) Reimagining urban success: rhythms of activity at Gabii, 800 BC–AD 600. Antiquity, 96(385), pp. 103-122. (doi: 10.15184/aqy.2021.154)


Stewart, E. (2020) The past in the past and the present: a study of deep time and the city. Scottish Archaeological Journal, 42(Suppl), pp. 36-51. (doi: 10.3366/saj.2020.0144)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 17:02:35 2025 GMT.
Jump to: Articles
Number of items: 2.


Samuels, J. T. et al. (2022) Reimagining urban success: rhythms of activity at Gabii, 800 BC–AD 600. Antiquity, 96(385), pp. 103-122. (doi: 10.15184/aqy.2021.154)

Stewart, E. (2020) The past in the past and the present: a study of deep time and the city. Scottish Archaeological Journal, 42(Suppl), pp. 36-51. (doi: 10.3366/saj.2020.0144)

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 17:02:35 2025 GMT.


External supervisors

Prof. Sian Jones, University of Stirling


Stewart, E., (2021) ‘Repopulating the Braes; Shieling Practice, upland seasonal industries and agricultural practices in Post-Medieval Scotland’, Scottish Archaeological Forum, University of Glasgow.

Stewart, E., (2019) ‘The Past in the Past and the Present: Ludovic Mann, creative interpretations and the future of scholarship at Camphill’, The Mann the Myth conference, University of Glasgow






Graduate Teaching Assistant:

- Archaeology of Scotland (Level 1)

- Archaeology in the Modern World (Level 1)

- Archaeological Theory and Practice (Level 2)

- Trench Supervisor on the Departmental Fieldschool at Cochno Hill. 

- Assistant Topographer on the Gabii Project Fieldschool. (https://gabiiproject.org/the-team/)

Additional Information


 Archaeology MRes, University of Glasgow, Dissertation title: ‘To and from the Earth: (Re)collecting landscapes on the urban fringe’

 Archaeology/Geography MA, University of Glasgow, Grade 1:1, Dissertation title: ‘The Past in the Past and the Present: A Study of Deep Time and the City’ 


Excavations and Surveys:

Gleann Leac-na-Muidhe, Argyll, Scotland 2022, University of Glasgow & National Trust for Scotland.

Isle of Canna, Small Isles, Scotland 2022, University of Glasgow.

Mar Lodge, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 2022, University of Glasgow.

Shetland Chapels Survey, Shetland Islands, Scotland 2021, University of Glasgow.

Culloden, Invernessshire, Scotland 2021, National Trust for Scotland.

Threave, Dumfriesshire, Scotland 2021, National Trust for Scotland.

Cochno Hill Fieldschool, Dumbartonshire, Scotland 2021, University of Glasgow.

Pano Lefkara, Larnaka District, Cyprus 2021, Grampus Heritage.

Gleann Leac-na-Muidhe, Argyll, Scotland 2021, University of Glasgow.

Castle Fraser, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 2019, National Trust for Scotland.

Gabii Project, Lazio, Italy 2019, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology - University of Michigan.

Dunkeld, Perth and Kinross, Scotland 2018, National Trust for Scotland.

Newhailes, Lothian, Scotland 2018, National Trust for Scotland.

Draffan Farm, Lanarkshire, Scotland 2018, Northlight Heritage & University of Glasgow.

Gabii Project, Lazio, Italy 2018, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology - University of Michigan.

Glenshiel, Highlands and Islands, Scotland 2018, National Trust for Scotland.

Dunmore Pineapple, Clackmannanshire, Scotland 2017, Dig It & Archaeology Scotland.

Blackhill, Lanarkshire, Scotland 2017, Northlight Heritage & University of Glasgow.

Culzean Caves, Ayrshire, Scotland 2017, National Trust for Scotland.

Collaster Unst, Shetland Isles, Scotland 2016, National Trust for Scotland.


Professional Societies:

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Recording Shieling Huts in Gleann Leac-na-Muidhe