Clément Renault

University of Glasgow Email Address:

Institute for Strategic Research Email Address (IRSEM, French Ministry of Armed Forces):

Research title: Franco-British Intelligence Cooperation During the Second World War

Research Summary

Clément RENAULT is a PhD candidate in War Studies at the University of Glasgow and Research Associate at the Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM, French Ministry of Armed Forces).



His doctoral research focuses on Franco-British intelligence cooperation during the Second World War. He specifically investigates the politics of Franco-British intelligence cooperation and the role it played in developing and hindering common intelligence practices and objectives on the western front and the Empires. Building on historical methodologies used in the fields of defence and strategic studies, and which intend to investigate the ways knowledge and competencies are shared and circulate between the parties that cooperate, his research contributes to key academic debates on intelligence cooperation, intelligence-policy nexus, professionalization of intelligence and to conversations between intelligence history and broader international relations and security disciplines.



  • Intelligence in the Digital Age
  • Intelligence Practices and the Return of Power Politics
  • Rise of Modern Intelligence Organisations



Clément RENAULT, Les services de renseignement face au risque sanitaire, Brèves stratégiques de l'IRSEM n°5, Mai 2020


  • Contemporary Challenges to Intelligence Services
  • Introduction to Intelligence Analysis 
  • Structured Analytical Techniques (SATs): Theory and Practice 

Additional Information

Before starting his PhD, Clément worked for 10 years in various international relations and security sectors, including most recently as Strategic Advisor for the French Ministry of Defense (MoD). Prior to this position, he worked as a Senior Policy Officer for the French MoD. In 2015, in the aftermath of Islamic militants push in the center of Mali, he worked as Peacebuilding Program Officer for West Africa, covering Mali, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. He also worked in the think tank business in Brussels, as Research Fellow for the European Security Round Table (ESRT). He holds a Master's degree in international conflict and security from the University of Kent - Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS) and two Bachelor’s degrees in political science and modern literature.