Claire Elder


Research title: An Early Modern Scottish Community of Practice: A socio-cultural analysis of formulaic features in the Stewart and Erskine family correspondence, including the letters of Marie Stewart, Countess of Mar.

Research Summary

The Stewart/Erskine Mar family correspondence (1600-50) contained in the National Library of Scotland's Edinburgh collections is an extraordinary archival treasure trove, largely overlooked in accounts of the Early Modern period. My research will unlock this outstanding cache of letters and thus cover new, important, archival ground. My substantive findings will provide fresh insight into language and society at a key period of Scottish history (during the time of the Reformation, Covenanters and the Civil Wars) and highlight the life and distinctive epistolary voice of the remarkable Marie Stewart, Countess of Mar. I will emphasise the implications of editorial decision-making for language identity today, as we look towards a future where more Scottish archives are made accessible.


  • AHRC DTP Scholarship, Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities (October 2021–March 2025; maintenance and tuition fees award)
  • Historical Thesaurus of English, University of Glasgow (September 2020–September 2021; tuition fees award)