Chen Antler Finkelstein
Research title: Meaningful Places: Intertwined Identity and Environment in Archaic Rome
Research Summary
Current Research
Investigation of landscape modifications as they relate to the creation of communal identity in the ancient world, through the test-case of ancient Rome. modelling changes to the environment on regional and local scales through palaeoenvuironmental reconstruction and GIS models. combining arcaheological, environmental and historical data.
Research Interest
Classical Archaeology, Landscape archaeology, land-cover modelling,
Chapter in a Book
Antler, C. 2022. The Metal Artifacts. In Gadot Y. (ed) The Landfill of Early Roman Jerusalem: The 2013-2014 Excavations in Area D3. Penn State University Press. Pp. 143-162.
Chapter in Monograph
Antler, C. 2024. Chapter 23: Metal Finds. In Edrey M., Gross B., and Herzog Z. The Tel Aviv University Excavations in Ancient Jaffa, Vol I. Salvage Excavation Reports No 12. Tel Aviv.
"The Metal Artifacts from Ramat-Rahel". In Lipschits O., Oeming M. and Gadot Y. Ramat Rahel V: The Renewed Excavations of the Tel Aviv – Heidelberg Expedition (2005-2010) Excavations (Tel Aviv Monograph Series). Tel Aviv. [Forthcoming]
Avisar R., Antler C., and Gadot Y. “From King to Kinghood: A Decorated Bronze Weight from Jerusalem and Judah’s Administration and Symbolism in the early 8th century BCE” [in preparation]
The Scottish Graduate School for the Arts and Humanities AHRC postgraduate scholarship
"Making a 'Roman Landscape': Modelling human-environment dynamics in Central Italy throughout 1st millennium BC". Paper presented at the Internationale Graduiertentagung im Rahmen des Doktoratsprogramms , University of Basel, Switzerland.
“Tracing Human Impact and Land-Cover Changes in Central Italy Throughout the Iron Age”, paper delivered at the 30th EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) annual meeting (Rome, Italy).
"Reconstructing Land Cover and Land Use Changes in Iron Age of Central Italy", poster presentation, 21st INQUA Congress, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy.
"Meaningful Places: Intertwined Identity and Environment in Archaic Rome", poster presentation in "The Environmental Archaeology of Landscapes and Land Use", the 42nd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology, Glasgow, UK.
"The Metal assemblage of Shu'afat", poster presentation in "Archaeology of Religion", The Annual Yohanan Aharoni Symposium at The Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology, Tel-Aviv University.
"Does matter matter? Shu'afat as a case study for writing history without written history", lecture delivered at a workshop for graduate students of the Ancient World, the Israeli Historical Society and University of Haifa (Hebrew).
"Identities collide and change, in light of the Archaeological material from Shua'fat, Jerusalem, between revolts". Young Historians - A conference for graduate students held at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Hebrew).
"The Cloaca Maxima- A case of setting Boundaries/Borders at the foundation of Rome", paper delivered at a workshop of the Oxford-TAU Program for the Study of the Ancient world, University of Oxford.
"The Transformation between Sacred and Secular Between revolts - The test-case of the Jewish Settlement of Shu'afat, Jerusalem", paper delivered at a workshop of the Oxford-TAU Program for the Study of the Ancient world, Tel-Aviv University.
"Archaeology of Conflict at the Edge of an Empire: Provincia Judaea as case study of settlement-modification in rebelling provinces". Paper delivered in the Conference: "Where are we going?": Limes research in Germany and Israel-Limesforschung in Deutschland und Israel: Wohin der Weg führt", Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz.
Additional Information
2019 M.A., Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near-Eastern Cultures, Tel-Aviv University | Summa Cum Laude
Thesis: "The Metals of Shu'afat, Jerusalem- A Jewish Settlement in the Roman Toparchy 'Orine' between the Two Revolts". Supervisor: Dr. Guy D. Stiebel.
2014 B.A., Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near-Eastern Cultures; Department of Classical Studies, double major) | Magna cum laude
Awards and Scholarships
2020 Scholarship for poster presentation at the Annual Aharoni Symposium. The Sonia and Marco Nedler Institute of Archaeology | Tel-Aviv University
2019 The Henka Tennenblum Scholarship for Academic Excellence The Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near-Eastern Cultures | Tel-Aviv University
2015 Bimat Ha-Choker (The Scholar's Cathedra) Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievements, The Haim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies | Tel-Aviv University
2015 The Sonia and Marco Nedler Institute of Archaeology Scholarship for Academic and Archaeological Fieldwork Excellence, The Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near-Eastern Cultures | Tel-Aviv University
2019 Masada
2018 Masada
2013 Jaffa
2013 Nof-Yam
2012 Apollonia (Arsuf)
2011 Yavneh-Yam