Cassandra Lippert /



Research title: Transforming lives and cities through decent work? A comparative exploration from employee perspective on decent work, living wages and their impactsellbeing)

Research Summary

Research Topic: Transforming lives and cities through decent work? A comparative exploration from employee perspective on decent work, living wages and their impacts.

Cassandra's research at the University of Glasgow focuses on the sustainable development goal “decent work”, which the UK has implemented mainly through living wage initiatives and feeds into the goal of “ending poverty in all its forms”. Her advances inchoate theorising and adds multi-level empirical perspectives for employees’, their families and organisations. This will advance insight into employees’ and their families’ experiences of decent work, particularly examination of their psychological impacts. It identifies important drivers to employer engagement and decision making regarding decent work and informs Scottish policy delivery and future policy design.

Cassandra is actively collaborating with The Poverty Alliance, a network of organisations and individuals working together to end poverty in Scotland. The research project is also connected to a global living wage initiative - Project GLOW.


Research Interests:

• Precarious work

• Social inequality

• Business and human rights

• Gender equality

• Social movements

• Global governance

• Decent work

• Modern slavery


College of Social Sciences PhD Scholarship (2023 - 2026)


  • EGOS Colloquium Milan - Crossraods for Organisations: Time, Space and People, University of Milano-Bicocca (July 2024)
  • Social Scientists in Health Research Day, Universiy of Glasgow (June 2024)
  • Glasgow Human Rights Network Early Career Work-in-Progress Conference, University of Strathclyde (June 2024)
  • EAWOP Small Group Meeting on 'Precarious Employment and Work - Understanding the underlying psychological and social processes', University of Glasgow (September 2023)




MGT2011 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

MGT5272 Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management

MGT5063 People in Organisations

Additional Information

Cassandra joined the University of Glasgow Adam Smith Business School as a Doctoral Researcher in October 2023. She holds a MSc in Global Strategy & Innovation Management from the University of Leeds Business School and a BA in Business & Finance from the European College of Business & Management London. She is acting as a PGR Student Representative for the PGR Management cohort and is an active member of the Glasgow Human Rights Network. 

More about Cassandra’s educational background and professional experience can be found here: