Andreas Piperides


Research title: International Legal Humanitarianism(s): A Critique




  • “Beyond Humanitarianism’s Rationalised War and Moral Utopia: Transcending International Humanitarian Law and Making the Utopia Rational”, LAW, AUTHORITARIANISM, REVOLUTION: CRITICAL LEGAL THEORY FOR TROUBLED TIMES, Inaugural Conference of Nomos: Centre for International Research on Law, Culture and Power (2022)
  • “Rethinking the European Court of Human Rights Approach on the Protection of Property in Occupied Territories: Can International Humanitarian Law Protect More?” Emerging Issues of Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law, ESIL-TSU Joint Conference (2022)
  • “The Right to Property and International Humanitarian Law Before the ECtHR: Can you Buyout Peace?”, War and Peace in the 21st Century - The Lifecycle of Modern Armed Conflicts Conference, Ludovika – University of Public Service (2022)
  • “Not All Civilians are Created Equal: International Humanitarian Law and Class”, Contested Equality International and Comparative Legal Perspectives Conference, University of Zurich (2022)
  • “When the Right to Life Endangers Life: How Human Rights Law Normalises Lethal Violence in War”, Socio- Legal Association Conference, Ulster University (2023)


Graduate Teaching Assistant - Public International Law

Graduate Teaching Assistant - EU Law