Eleven members of the University community have been made Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE).

In total, 91 Fellows were elected to the RSE this year, joining a total Fellowship of around 1,800 of the greatest thinkers, researchers and practitioners working in or with Scotland.

Those members of the University community elected as Fellows of the RSE this year are:

  • Professor Christopher Chapman, Chair of Education Policy
  • Professor David Flynn, Professor of Cyber Physical Systems
  • Dame Katherine Grainger, Chancellor
  • Professor Deirdre Heddon, James Arnott Professor in Drama
  • Professor David Ireland, Head of School, School of Physics & Astronomy
  • Professor S Vittal Katikireddi, Professor of Public Health and Health Inequalities
  • Ms Uzma Khan, Vice Principal Economic Development & Innovation
  • Professor Graeme Roy, Dean of External Engagement, College of Social Sciences & Professor of Economics
  • Professor Catherine Steel, Professor of Classics
  • Professor Dr Satnam Virdee, Professor of Sociology
  • Professor Louise Welsh, Professor of Creative Writing

Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University, said: “I’d like to offer my congratulations to the members of the University community who have been honoured by the Royal Society of Edinburgh by being elected as Fellows this year. 

“To be recognised in this way is a notable honour and to have 11 people elected as Fellows this year is testament to the pioneering work being undertaken across the University.  We are proud of all our colleagues who have been nominated as Fellows and it is right that they are recognised for the valuable contribution they make through their work.”

Professor Sir John Ball, President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, said: “It is a great privilege to welcome our new Fellows – they represent outstanding commitment and achievement at the highest level across a diverse range of sectors. From scientific advancement that changes lives to leading business innovation recognised across the world, the RSE welcomes the best minds to harness their unique insight and make knowledge useful for the greater good.”

The RSE, using the expertise of its Fellows, creates a unique impact by:

  • Inspiring and supporting talent through a wide-ranging programme of research grants and awards.
  • Engaging the public across Scotland on key contemporary issues through its outreach programmes and a wide-ranging programme of public events.
  • Providing impartial advice and expertise to inform policy and practice through in-depth examination of major issues and providing expert comment on topical matters.
  • Promoting Scotland’s interests overseas through building relationships with sister academies across the world and facilitating research collaborations.

First published: 21 March 2023

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