Content Advisory: The content of this communication relates to sexual violence. If you would like to access support, without reading further, please follow this link Dignity at Work and Study Support, Guidance and Reporting - this includes resources on sexual harassment, assault and violence.

The University of Glasgow has today published the full independent review of staff and student procedures and support arrangements in relation to Gender-Based Violence.

The report by Morag Ross KC can be found here.

In response, Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice Chancellor, and the University’s Gender (Sex) Equality Champion, Professor Sara Carter, said in a joint statement:

“Last year, the University of Glasgow underlined its commitment to the safety and wellbeing of every member in our community by initiating an independent review of the University’s staff and student procedures and support arrangements in relation to Gender-Based Violence.

“Morag Ross KC agreed to undertake the review on behalf of the University and today we are publishing the report in full.

“The University’s Senior Management Group recognises that Gender-Based Violence is a challenging and troubling issue for universities and for wider society, and we are deeply sorry that any member of our community has been subject to abuse or harassment.

“We want to thank Ms Ross KC for her diligent and sensitive investigation of our systems and procedures. We also wish to thank everyone who took part in this review and who has spoken openly and honestly about their experiences. We appreciate how difficult this is and acknowledge that Gender-Based Violence has devastating implications for individuals.

“We note that Ms Ross KC recognises that there is a genuine commitment from the University to address Gender-Based Violence and that a range of ongoing actions are underway. However, we also acknowledge that there are a number of areas where the University can and should improve our practices with regards to reporting and support.

“As a result, the University is fully committed to implementing the recommendations of the Ross Report in full, to ensure that we build further rigour and confidence in our systems to support our community.

“The University will implement the recommendations as soon as possible as detailed in the Ross Report Recommendations and Action Plan. The final components will be in place before the start of the 2023/24 academic year.

“Implementation will be overseen by a sub-group of the Senior Management Group comprising the Chief Operating Officer; Executive Director, People & Organisational Development; Gender (Sex) Equality Champion; Clerk of Senate and the President of the Students’ Representative Council.

“The group will report on a monthly basis to the Principal and Senior Management Group and regular updates will also be shared with the Student Experience Committee, the People & Organisational Development Committee, the Equality & Diversity Strategy Committee, the Gender Equality Group and Court.

“Once again, our thanks go to Morag Ross KC and colleagues and students from across our community who have contributed to this review and the resulting recommendations.”

First published: 15 December 2022