People with learning disabilities may be missing out on their right to vote in the forthcoming referendum on Scottish independence.

Researchers from the University of Glasgow and Glasgow Caledonian University say those with learning disabilities may not have enough accessible information to make an informed choice on September 18.

Dr Diane Willis, of the University of Glasgow’s School of Nursing and Health Care, together with colleagues Isla McGlade and Mark Gallagher from Glasgow Caledonian University, School of Health and Life Sciences, worked with Enable Glasgow to undertake focus groups with people with learning disabilities and their paid and family-carers to explore issues around voting and the referendum.

People with learning disabilities make up around two per cent of the population in the UK, with most now living in the community. All are entitled to vote but participants expressed uncertainty about whether individuals were registered on the electoral roll and about access to the support necessary to enable them to vote.

Some paid and family-carers raised the issue about the capacity of people with a learning disability to vote in a meaningful way. Their main concerns were around the potential influences that might sway people with learning disabilities as to how they might cast their ballot.

For those without capacity, such as those with severe and profound learning disabilities, it was felt that alternative arrangements may be needed to ensure their vote is not abused.

The researchers found that all groups raised concerns about the limited amount of information available in an appropriate format relating to the referendum and politics in general.

Only three sources of information on the referendum could be found, while for a variety of reasons the White Paper on Scotland’s Future was not made available in an accessible format until June 2014.

Dr Willis said: “In common with the general population, the participants with learning disabilities in this study raised questions about the currency, Trident, the NHS and travel in the event of either a Yes or No vote.

“The research demonstrated that more education and training is required for those supporting people with learning disabilities in order to facilitate voting and discussion around political issues. Without such assistance and accessible information, people with learning disabilities will be effectively disenfranchised and denied their full rights to citizenship.

“Given that people with learning disabilities for the most part need some support in their daily lives, they are potentially one of the most vulnerable groups who may lose out when changes in welfare, social care and health funding occur.

“These issues lie at the heart of the referendum and indeed most general elections. These research findings highlight the necessity that members of this group are included in determining Scotland's future.”

The project's conclusions were welcomed by Enable Glasgow as they helped to ensure people with learning disabilities were given opportunities to make informed choices about the referendum and all future elections.

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First published: 22 August 2014

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