The Medical Research Council - University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR) has received almost £2 million from the Medical Research Foundation, an independent registered charity established by the Medical Research Council (MRC).

The award will fund the setting up of a clinical database of 10,000 patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) which it is hoped will help enable a UK-wide network of researchers to find new ways to tackle the deadly infection.

While there has been considerable progress in the scientific understanding of the disease in recent years, it is currently extremely difficult to effectively track the spread of HCV and to understand the biological roots of the illness.

Dr John McLauchlan will lead the project at the MRC - University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research in partnership with Professor Will Irving at Nottingham University.

Patients will be recruited from clinical centres across the UK currently providing care to HCV patients. The initiative will create HCV Research UK, a consortium of clinicians, academics and healthcare professionals, which aims to promote collaborative research into HCV infection across the UK.

The lack of strategic surveillance of the disease in the UK has also made it harder for doctors to determine why some patients can develop symptoms as soon as they are infected, while others only go onto develop cirrhosis of the liver after many years. By collecting and analysing clinical samples taken from patients, the project will also help researchers examine why certain patients fail to respond to treatment.

At least 250,000 people in the UK are thought to be infected with the blood-borne virus, which can cause severe liver damage in up to 20 per cent of patients. HCV is ten times easier to contract than HIV, with prisoners and drug users particularly vulnerable to infection.

Dr John McLauchlan at the CVR said: “With Hepatitis C rates continuing to rise and place an increasing strain on healthcare resources, it’s crucial that we attack this disease on as many fronts as possible. By creating a well-structured resource, we hope that it will stimulate both clinical and fundamental research into HCV infection in the UK and form the basis for many future studies.”

Notes to Editors:

About the Medical Research Foundation

The Medical Research Foundation is an independent registered charity established by the Medical Research Council (MRC).  The Medical Research Foundation receives legacies and donations from the giving public. 

The aims of the Medical Research Foundation are to promote medical research anywhere in the world, and in particular, to support research training, public engagement with research and the dissemination of research results for the improvement of human health.  The Medical Research Foundation aims to support research that complements and extends that supported by the MRC.  The Medical Research Foundation’s trustees recently granted an award to Dr John MacLauchlan and colleagues to establish a national HCV resource. The name used to refer to the ‘Trust Funds administered in connection with the Medical Research Council’ charity (registration number 250696)

For more media information please contact Eleanor Cowie, Media Relations Officer, on 0141 330 3683 or

First published: 28 January 2011