Glasgow joins communities across the world to mark Remembrance Sunday this weekend at the annual Commemorative Service in the University Chapel.

The service, which begins at 10.45am, includes a sermon by Mona Siddiqui, Professor of Islamic Studies and Public Understanding at the University.

Professor Siddiqui is a founding member and the current Director of the University’s Centre for the Study of Islam, as well as being a popular broadcaster on BBC Radio 4. She is also chair of the BBC Scottish Religious Advisory Committee.

The service will be attended by Officers and Cadets from the University's Officer Training Corps, Royal Naval Unit and Universities Air Squadron who will help commemorate the 1,187 men and women from the University who died during both world wars and whose names are inscribed on the Chapel walls. Members of the public can also attend the Service.

Prayers will be led by Father John Keenan, the University’s  Catholic Chaplain, and Reverend Marjory Macaskill, Chaplain of the University of Strathclyde.  The Chapel Choir will sing the anthem, “Let us praise famous men”, written to celebrate the 500th  anniversary of the University’s founding in 1451.

The service will be streamed live from the University Chapel Live website on:

For further details, please contact Reverend Stuart D MacQuarrie JP BD BSc MBA
telephone: 0141 330 4160

Chapel Services Programme can be downloaded from:
Faith & Belief Guide 2009 can be downloaded from:

First published: 3 November 2009