The Academic Director of the Centre for Cultural Policy Research at the University of Glasgow, Professor Philip Schlesinger is to deliver the penultimate Stevenson lecture in the current series at 7pm on Thursday 21 February.

Professor Schlesinger said: "When the First Minister, Alex Salmond, set up the Scottish Broadcasting Commission to address the state of television, this began to rattle the cage of the status quo. Since devolution, a careful line has been trodden between devolved and reserved powers, those exercised in Holyrood and those at Westminster.

“We’re now moving into a new phase of devolution-plus in discussion of the broadcasting field. There are some hard questions to be posed about what this means. A lot depends on how this is managed, both here and in London."

The lecture entitled: Can Scotland have a communication policy? will take place at 7pm in the Sir Charles Wilson Building (on the corner of Gibson Street and University Avenue, Glasgow G12) and is free and open to all.

The final lecture in the series is on 6 March when rectorial candidate The Rt Hon Charles Kennedy, MP will speak on "Dogs and Lamp-posts: Reflections on the relationship between politicians and the Media."

Further information:

Professor Philip Schlesinger FRSE, FRSA, AcSS
Academic Director, Centre for Cultural Policy Research
Tel: 0141 330 5036

First published: 18 February 2008