The Rt Hon Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered the inaugural Donald Dewar Memorial Lecture to a packed Bute Hall.

In a wide ranging speech, the Chancellor opened with a fulsome tribute to the achievements of his friend and colleague Donald Dewar whom he described as having "a lifelong commitment to social justice."

The Chancellor went on to speak of the new challenges we face in the 21st Century.

He said: "The major challenges ahead are terrorism and security, global economic competition and climate change, and meeting the rising aspirations of individuals and the yearning for stronger communities.

"These challenges can best be met by bringing out the best in people, and in their individual potential, and we do so by rediscovering and applying in our generation British ideas of liberty, responsibility and fairness and by a partnership that gives full place to the active, responsible citizen, the empowered community, and enabling, empowering government working together."

Watch the full lecture here

Ray McHugh (

First published: 23 October 2006

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