Distinguished parliamentarian and humanitarian, the Rt Hon George Reid MSP delivered the penultimate speech in this year's prestigious Stevenson lecture series on the theme of "Citizenship in Scotland" earlier this month.

Watch George Reid's full lecture online here

The Presiding Officer for the Scottish parliament was recently appointed an Honorary Professor with the School of Law in the Faculty of Law, Business and Social Sciences at the University of Glasgow.

Professor Reid's new advisory and teaching role with the University will expand once he retires as MSP for Ochil and Presiding Officer for the Scottish Parliament in May next year.

The final Stevenson lecture in the current series, "Islam and Citizenship", will be delivered by Professor Mona Siddiqui at 6pm on Thursday 7 December in the Sir Charles Wilson Building, at the junction of Gibson Street and University Avenue.

Stevenson lectures are free and open to all without ticket.

Martin Shannon (m.shannon@admin.gla.ac.uk)

First published: 30 November 2006