Wednesday, January 26, 2005

18:00 - 19:00

venue: Bute Hall, Main Building, University of Glasgow

5th Holocaust Memorial Lecture

Making a Killing: the Economics of the Holocaust

Professor Richard Overy

Richard Overy is Professor of History at the University of Exeter. He has published extensively on the history of the Third Reich, Stalin's Russia and the Second World War. His books include Why the Allies Won (1995), Russia's War (1998), Interrogations: the Nazi Elite in Allied Hands (2001) and most recently The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia. He is the general editor of the Times History of the World. In 2000 he was made a Fellow of the British Academy. He is currently writing a book entitled A Morbid Age, about culture, death and society in the age of the two world wars.

Free and open to all without ticket

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First published: 25 January 2005

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