Nexxus, the West of Scotland Bioscience Network, is formally launched at the Glasgow Science Centre on Wednesday September 24, 2003.

120 representatives from the bioscience community in Scotland will learn how Nexxus can provide a connection (a 'nexxus') across all elements of the community by facilitating communication, knowledge sharing and collaboration between organisations involved in bioscience related activities from both the academic and commercial sector.

Gillian Cay, Manager of Nexxus, based at the University of Glasgow said "The West of Scotland already has a thriving bioscience community but very few people are fully aware of the breadth and depth of world class research expertise located here. I hope that Nexxus will raise the profile of bioscience in Scotland by promoting and celebrating our local success and talent."

Kevin Cullen, Acting Director of Research and Enterprise at the University of Glasgow, added, " It makes a great deal of sense for us to join forces with colleagues in both the commercial and academic sector to further our bioscience research objectives. Nexxus will be an excellent platform upon which we can publicise our ongoing as well as new successes in this area."

Chris Packard, Chairman of Nexxus and Research and Development Lead Officer for the North Glasgow University NHS Trust, said "Nexxus has been established to support bioscience excellence in the West of Scotland. It will strengthen the links between these world leading research institutions and a rapidly growing industry sector, which includes many successful indigenous companies and high profile foreign inward investment."

The West of Scotland has a thriving bioscience research and company base. With over 2600 researchers, working in four universities, and a number of research institutes and work in interdisciplinary science/clinical collaborative networks, it is one of the largest in Europe.

It is home to 166 bioscience companies, with over 8000 people working in diagnostics, therapeutics, medical devices, contract research and manufacturing and it enjoys excellent research links with NHS Trust Hospitals.

Nexxus is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Scottish Enterprise Network, the University of Glasgow and Glasgow City Council. David Currie of Scottish Enterprise Glasgow said "Scottish Enterprise believes that the bioscience industry plays a key role in the success of the West of Scotland and is delighted to fund Nexxus as part of its ongoing support for the bioscience cluster"

Today's launch is the first of many events planned to stimulate the bioscience community in the West of Scotland. Nexxus is looking for input from the local community in order that it provides events and services that add value to existing activities.

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Professor Chris Packard, Chairman, Nexxus will be available for comment on Wednesday September 24th from 1pm - 2pm on 0141 211 4322

Gillian Cay, Manager, Nexxus will be available for comment on September 24th from 9am ? 10am on 0141 330 5381 and from 5pm at the Glasgow Science Centre.

First published: 24 September 2003