The University of Glasgow is to receive a share of a £10 million funding boost to help widen access for students. The new funding allocation was announced today, Monday 20 January 2003, by Iain Gray, Minister for Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning.

Scotland's 20 higher education institutions are to use the funds to develop their infrastructure to meet the requirements of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001. As part of the Act, each institution is required to alter premises and remove physical barriers ahead of the deadline for compliance in September 2005.

University of Glasgow Principal, Professor Sir Graeme Davies commented, ' This additional funding from SHEFC (Scottish Higher Education Funding Council) will enable us to strengthen our commitment to widening participation in higher education at the University and to increasing access and equality of opportunity for all'.

Bob Wilson, Director of Estates and Buildings, added, 'In light of the enormous task of altering our many listed buildings, this funding will be a most welcome contribution towards the high costs that will inevitably be incurred.'

The next deadline for the legislation is 1 September 2003 by which time higher education institutions must ensure that their provision of auxiliary aids and services do not discriminate unreasonably against disabled people.

Media Relations Office (

First published: 20 January 2003

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