In August 2001, the Department of Ship and Marine Technology of the University of Strathclyde merged with the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering of the University of Glasgow to form a unique provider of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in Scotland under the ownership of both Universities.

This union brought together complementary expertise to form a unique centre of international teaching and research excellence which plays a key role in national and international maritime industry and academia as well as in shaping the evolution of Naval Architecture worldwide.

As part of the merger process, a multimillion pound programme was set in motion with the aim of establishing teaching and research infrastructures commensurate with the Department's ambitions. Today, 22 January 2003, will see the completion of Phase I of the programme and will offer a glimpse of what is still to come!

In addition to this significant milestone which will be celebrated by the Principals of both universities, the sixth Anniversary of the Ship Stability Research Centre (SSRC) will also be marked. Established on 22 January 1997, the first-ever SSRC was developed in response to concerted efforts by the international maritime industry to adopt scientific approaches in dealing with ship safety. Since its launch, the Centre has grown from strength to strength - a clear indication of the need and the success of this unique service provided to the industry towards achieving cost-effective safety.

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Please contact Donna Reid at Strathclyde University Press Office on 0141 548 4123 for further details about the event.

Alternatively, please call Glasgow UNiversity Press Office on 0141 330 3535

First published: 22 January 2003

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