The Second International Feline Coronavirus/Feline Infectious Peritonitis Symposium will be held in Glasgow on Sunday 4 - Wednesday 7 August 2002.

Like the hugely successful first FECV/FIP Workshop hosted by the University of California, Davis, the Second will welcome scientists, veterinary surgeons, cat breeders, cat rescue charities and industry experts from around the world.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), caused by Feline Coronavirus, is the leading infectious cause of cat death and pedigree kittens and cats from rescue centres are especially at risk.

The meeting opens with an overview of Feline Coronavirus and FIP by Prof. Niels Pedersen, the legendary cat virologist who discovered feline immunodeficiency virus.

Other exciting presentations include news of FIP treatment by Japanese veterinary surgeon Dr Takuo Ishida using a feline interferon product recently released in the UK.

Scientists from the Universities of Utrecht and Bristol are expected to announce the possibility of a new vaccine against feline infectious peritonitis. In a survey of rescue catteries to be presented, the local Cats Protection shelter at Cardyke Farm will be identified as shelter with low risk of FIP. The Cardyke shelter has state of the art infectious disease controls put into place by its manager, veterinary nurse Sally Matthews.

The conference co-ordinator is Dr. Diane Addie, University of Glasgow. Dr. Addie, who has spent the last 14 years studying feline infectious peritonitis, said, 'I'm very excited that all the top cat vets and scientists of the world are gathering in Glasgow to address this important subject. FIP is a cause of feline and human misery. All prospective purchasers of pedigree kittens should insist that they are tested negative for antibodies to the virus to avoid the heartbreak of watching their new kittens die of this disease.'

Countries represented include Australia, USA, Holland, Germany, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, South Africa, Israel, the Netherlands, France, Japan, Hungary, Canada, Sweden, Italy and of course the UK.

The venue for the conference is the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.

Media Relations Office (

Dr. Diane A. Addie is the conference co-ordinator and can be contacted at 0141 330 5786 or

Alternatively, you can contact the University Press Office on 0141 330 3535 or

First published: 31 July 2002

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