DACE has now moved to new surroundings in the St. Andrew's Building, in Park Drive. The move coincides with the Department's 50th Anniversary and, in recognition of its past work and future role in lifelong learning, the occasion will be marked by a number of special events. The first of these will be an Open Evening Event on Thursday 6 September from 4.00 - 8.00 pm in the St Andrew's Building. Everyone is welcome.

At this event the Department will formally launch its new "Courses for Adults" programme, for classes starting in October. Potential students can enrol on the evening or come along for advice. In addition, there will be other attractions, including exhibitions, recitals, demonstrations and workshops, all designed to show the varied work of the Department.

For further information about the Department's programme of events, and to obtain a new 'Courses for Adults' brochure, contact the Department on
for information: 0141 330 4394/6104
for brochure: 0141 330 4032 (24 hour answering)
email: enquiry@ace.gla.ac.uk
Website: www.gla.ac.uk/Acad/AdultEd/


Media Relations Office (media@gla.ac.uk)

First published: 3 September 2001