University of Glasgow contributions to Wednesday's sessions at the BA Festival of Science Please note that requests for interviews and further information should be made through the BA press office on 0141- 330 8100

Reducing social exclusion among recovering drug addicts
Professor Neil McKeganey:

Consulting children and young people
Professor Malcolm Hill

Bitch or lover - how men construe women in violent relationships
Professor Joan Orme

Making a difference: the usefulness of community projects in areas of social need o Professor Bob Holman

Thresholds and limits: making sense of the requirements of older people with support needs
Professor Alison Petch

Light at the end of the gullet
Professor Miles Padgett

Gene therapy: lessons from animals
Dr David Argyle

Making flies glow in the dark
Professor Julian Dow

A future for coral? Sustained degradation or sustainable utilisation
Rupert Ormond

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Please note that requests for interviews and further information should be made through the BA press office on 0141- 330 8100

First published: 5 September 2001