Touchstone tours
What it is
An in-situ observation interview hybrid method where the user shows you around a meaningful space/product so you can observe their experiences and explore their feelings and thoughts.
Pros & Cons
- Uncover people’s mental model of the system.
- Identify any parts that they DON’T use(underused features) or aren’t even aware of (hidden or unclear features).
- Understand people’s feelings about the system and its context: their behaviours, explanations, facial expressions and so on.
- You may not get the right target audience.
- Sessions are short so you will lose some of the insights that you would get from formal user testing.
- Might not be appropriate for all types of websites or apps.
How to use
- Equipment for the product that you want to evaluate: a PC for a website, a phone for an app
- A moderator and (optionally) a notetaker
- Script: a list of tasks for participants to complete and instruction guidance for the moderator
Participants: at least 5
- Sit down at the equipment with a user.
- The moderator asks the user to speak aloud as they complete each task, tell them “Pretend I’m a new [their role]. Explain [system] to me and show me how you use it.”
- Quietly notes their behaviours and any difficulties they encounter.
- Review the notes taken by the moderator, watch recordings of the sessions, and conduct any additional analysis as needed.
Tips & variations
- If necessary, prompt with very basic, non-leading questions, keeping up the roleplay of a clueless newbie: “what do you mean?”, “what’s that for?”
- Ideally have someone else observing and taking notes.
- Do on their own device for extra insight into shortcuts & workarounds like bookmarks.
- Do it remotely using zoom
- Record it so you can rewatch and analyse further.
Recommended reading
- See Touchstone Tours: A Powerful Tool for UX Research by Dhananjay Garg at UX Planet