Net promoter scale
What it is
A quick metric that is used to gauge existing user experience by user self-reported likelihood of recommending a product or service.
Why this method
This method makes data collection simple and is easily understood by stakeholders. This measure also been shown to be closely related to the perception of user experience meaning a high NPS output = usable product or service.
How to use
- Ask participants to provide an answer, on a scale of 0-10, the question of: “How likely are you to recommend this [website/product/service] to a friend?”
- Group your answers into 3 sections:
- Promoters: answers of 9 or 10 which show strong likelihood of recommendation
- Passives: responses of 6 to 8, which show neutral likelihood of recommendation
- Detractors: responses of 0-6 which show a likelihood of criticism
- Calculate the Net Promoter Score by:
- Take the number of promoters multiplied by 100. Then divide by the total number of participants.
- Take the number of detractors multiplied by 100. Then divide by the total number of participants.
- Take the first number (step a) and subtract the second number (step b).
- A positive score means your promoters outweigh your detractors, while negative means detractors outweigh promoters indicating little user loyalty.
Recommended reading
- What a Customer-Relations can tell you about your User Experience by Therese Fessenden