The University has a number of members of staff who have gone through Mental Health First Aid training, for information on who is trained in your department please contact your local Head of Admin, or SEPS.

Please note that Mental Health First Aiders are not trained as counsellors or therapists, and are solely trained to provide initial help for someone experiencing suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, or psychosis.


In an emergency, phone the Samaritans on 116 123 (dial 9 first on a University phone to get an outside line).

In case of low mood, depression, anxiety, and other issues out-of-hours, contact a Breathing Space counsellor between 6pm-2am Monday to Thursday, and any time from 6pm Friday to 6am Monday, on 0800 83 85 87.


If you would prefer to speak to a Mental Health First Aider who is in the union, you may contact any of the following members:

Paul Agnew School of Physics & Astronomy
Liz Argue Cleaning Services (Stevenson Gym - Nightshift)
Jennifer Barrie Institute of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation
Sharon Burns Institute of Cancer Sciences
Christine Carr School of Life Sciences
Stephen Craig School of Physics & Astronomy
Patricia Davidson School of Life Sciences
Susan Ferguson School of Engineering (JWNC)
Samantha Gilchrist Library
Teresa Gonzaga Cleaning Services (Kelvin Building)
Kevin Knowles Security
Eleanor McKay SUERC (East Kilbride)
Helen McLelland School of Engineering (JWNC)
Gordon Reford School of Life Sciences
Aniko Szilagyi Library