Read the letter sent from JULC (UNISON, UNITE and UCU)

Published: 9 October 2023

UNISON, UCU and UNITE call for University of Glasgow management to resume local talks.

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9 October 2023


To: Anton Muscatelli

Cc: Christine Barr, David Duncan


Dear Anton,

Further to recent industrial action undertaken by UCU, UNISON and Unite, JULC are writing to call for the resumption of local discussions regarding both pay and non-pay conditions at the university.
We note when we last met on 12 September that there was discussion regarding what is possible both at a local and at a national level. While we appreciate that SMG have made their position clear on the national offer, we have not heard anything further after the promise of further local talks at the last meeting.

SMG's position being understood, campus trade unions with current mandates will still be consulting with members and their national bodies to potentially escalate action if nothing further is posed at a national or local level. We therefore feel it is in the best interests of both staff and the university for these talks to continue in good faith.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely,

Sophie Watson (JULC Convener, UNISON Co-Branch Secretary)

Tom Queen (Unite Branch Secretary)

Richard Reeve (UCU Branch President)

Alex Gibson (GMB Convener)


University of Glasgow UCU
University of Glasgow UNITE
University of Glasgow GMB

First published: 9 October 2023