Routes to Enrolment PEC banner image on three students

Survey Themes

The survey questions targeted a selection of themes across the Deliver work packages:

  • Communications: feedback on general communications, the Account Access Notification (AAN) and general web pages
  • Roles and Responsibilities: feedback on the engagement and general understanding of the Registration and Enrolment Operations Group (REOG) Matrix which outlines key responsibilities
  • Ivanti IT Helpdesk: feedback on the training and usage of Ivanti across various departments during Registration and Enrolment
  • Management of Student Records: feedback on staff knowledge, understanding and training needs in relation to managing student records and running MyCampus reports
  • Financial Aid: feedback on the understanding of financial aid terminology and processes


How will your feedback be used?

Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey!

Your feedback across the above themes has been invaluable to ensure that the changes or solutions that the project team have been developing are being designed to fit the needs of your teams and the students you support.

The detailed feedback is being analysed in the context of the 13 work packages that were identified to deliver tactical changes before the Registration and Enrolment cycle for AY24/25. Specific survey results will be published on our programme website and via the REOG meetings across July/August 2024, where the project team will provide examples of the exact types of change you can expect to see as a result of your feedback.