Routes to Enrolment

Professor Jo Gill, Vice Principal, Head of College (Arts & Humanities) provides an introduction and overview to the programme.

The student onboarding experience is of strategic importance to the university because it will focus on:  

Student Experience  

  • Use new technology to provide a meaningful and seamless applicant and student experience.Reduce the need for staff intervention by creating intuitive interfaces tailored to specific student groupsand their requirements. Improve communication, systems, and guidance allowing students toaccess relevant support easily.

Staff Experience 

  • Use new technology to optimise and simplify processes by introducing automated workflows.Increase overall efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction of staff.

Operational Efficiency  

  • Deliver an integrated and reliable service to all users, giving a 360-degree view of the studentjourney. Establish clear process ownership and accountability for service delivery. Create toolsfor effective communication between teams, providing better support to students. 

Service Excellence  

  • Improve the quality and availability of data to provide a sustainable and scalable service that supports better planning and decision-making for targeted student attraction, conversion and retention. 


Programme Sponsor and Board


  • Professor Jo Gill (Vice Principal and Head of College of Arts & Humanities) 

Programme Board  

  • Professor Jo Gill (SPONSOR/CHAIR) 
  • Rachel Sandison (External Relations) 
  • Sharon McGregor (CoSS) 
  • Alison Wallace (MVLS) 
  • Billy Howie (CoSE) 
  • Liz Broe (CoAH) 
  • Jonathan Jones (Student Experience) 
  • Hailie Pentleton (S.R.C) 
  • James Hamilton (People & Organisation Development) 
  • Alistair Knock (PIA) 
  • Angus Ross (Finance)
  • Mark Johnson (Information Services) 
  • Susan Ashworth (Information Services) 
  • Neil Bowering (Student & Academic Services) 


The programme has two sub project groups: Process Enabled Change (PEC) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and together with the Automation Service, these teams will deliver the strategic objectives and outcomes of the Routes to Enrolment programme.