A view of Glasgow including the Hydro, University Tower and Science Centre, taken from the Library.

Un-roomed Events and Change Requests for 2023/2024

In March, we wrote to you about the Timetabling Project and our minimal change approach for 23/24 - a direct response to support timetabling and room allocations across the University following a particularly difficult 22/23 academic session. 

In line with this approach, essential changes to events requiring centrally managed teaching space have already been identified with the support of local coordinators. Room allocations will now be completed by SMTT across May, with un-roomed events to be identified and shared with local coordinators from Monday 5th June.   

As we proceed towards 23/24 our priority will continue to be on essential change, limiting the number of changes to last year’s timetable and making greater use of the full teaching week.  

We recognise that achieving an improved outcome may require adjustments to teaching such as double-teaching, where this has not previously been the case, or accommodating activity at less popular days and times of the week.  

Whilst acknowledging this will be a change from previous practice and may present some challenges, by taking this approach we intend to increase the percentage of rooms allocated right first time, accommodate all teaching on campus, and provide the basis on which to support future growth. 

Led by the Deans of Learning and Teaching, support is being provided within each of our Colleges to help with conversations, work together to seek compromise, resolve un-roomed events or escalate when a resolution isn’t available. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact the Timetabling Project Team at: TimetablingProject@glasgow.ac.uk

Frank Coton  

Senior Vice Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor  

Moira Fischbacher-Smith 

Vice Principal (Learning and Teaching) 

Un-roomed Events

This year we will focus efforts to resolve un-roomed events during a 5-week window from 5th of June to 7th of July before we allow any further changes to the timetable. Change Requests during this period will only be available either to notify that a central room is no longer required or to support resolution of un-roomed events under 50 in size. 

The approach during this window aims to formalise the existing process, ensure transparency, and recognise ownership across schools, whilst maintaining a minimal change approach.  

We recognise that this is usually a challenging period and that the timing may not be ideal with exam boards and other priorities within Schools. We have engaged a College-specific advisory group to shape the best implementation of this approach in our Schools and help practically manage this process during this busy period. 

During this period SMTT will work proactively with individuals across schools to resolve larger (50+) or time critical events, with local timetabling staff leading on all others. 

If you are impacted by an un-roomed event a member of SMTT or your school timetabling team will contact you directly after the 5th of June. Please respond as quickly as possible. 

Change Requests

Change Requests will open for essential changes from Tuesday 11th of July. 

In July we anticipate that the teaching events input by April will largely be roomed, providing limited scope for further changes to be made. Therefore, aligning with our already agreed ‘minimal change’ approach, we will only accept requests for defined ‘essential changes’ that are evidenced or approved prior to being submitted.   

To reduce the need for late changes or reworking of allocations, and in keeping with previously published deadlines, all courses for 2023-24 should already be uploaded onto PIP and have the structure/delivery pattern built in CMIS before it closed for rooming on 28th April. 

If this will prove problematic due to staff appointment dates, Schools should raise this with their Dean of Learning and Teaching to allow for contingency to be put in place.  No new courses can be approved without sign off from Timetabling and the Dean to ensure that proposed timeslots and class sizes can in fact be accommodated. 

Further information on the change request process, essential change reasons and guidance, will be shared in June ahead of opening to essential change. 

The resolution of un-roomed events will continue as required. 


Additional Information

When CMIS re-opens on Monday 5th June, local space allocations should be made as per the normal process. 

Further information on the timetabling and room allocations process for AY23/24 will be provided to key individuals involved in this process directly via the project team and through the regular College engagement sessions.