Timetabling Data Gathering

Our comprehensive guides, quick start guide and walkthrough videos aim to support you as you complete the data gathering forms.

The forms play a crucial role in compiling essential information for CMIS:

  • Form 1 allows you to confirm whether a course will be offered in the upcoming academic session. It’s simple to update and will be sent to the Head of Subject or Programme Director, as well as the relevant administrator, for completion.
  • Form 2 gathers details on course requirements, assigned staff, and key room features. It also provides space to note any changes from the previous offering. This form will be sent to the Course Convener/Lead and the relevant administrator.

The Test & Learn Ambassadors have prepared handy quick-start guides to help you get started without a hitch:

These videos will introduce you to the new Timetabling Data Gathering Forms, helping you navigate the process with ease. There are two versions: one tailored for Professional Services colleagues and another for Academic colleagues.