Waste, Recycling and Reuse

The University has been working hard to change the way it collects, sorts and recycles its waste.  Please view our Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan (2022-27) (pdf).

Across campus work has begun to standardise all bins on our Estate, but this as of yet is not complete. Please look for the advisory labels and notices and help us deliver on our environmental commitments. For more information on recycling various materials across campus, please see below:

  • DRY MIXED RECYCLING: bins are for dry, mixed recycling waste. This includes paper, empty cans, plastic bottles and containers and card/cardboard. Every building in the University should have access to a recycling bin in which staff can dispose of their recyclable items. Dry mixed recycling must be collected in clear sacks.
  • FOOD WASTE: bins are for food waste in areas operated by Hospitality Services: cafeterias, restaurants and coffee bars and university union facilities - University of Glasgow - Food Recycling Locations (pdf). Food waste must be collected in clear sacks. 
  • GENERAL WASTE: bins are for waste which includes polystyrene, contaminated paper hand towels and tissues and general, non-recyclable packaging. If we are successful in our recycling, very little will have to go in these bins. General waste must be collected in black sacks.
  • GLASS RECYCLING: bins are located around the Estate are a variety of locations - University of Glasgow - Glass Recycling Locations (pdf).

If you're unsure of what to do with a specific item, why not check our 'Can I Recycle' page.

As part of its commitment to the environment, the University also enocurages re-use when possible:

Special Waste facilities:

  • BULK WASTE: Skips are located across the Estate at various locations. 
  • CONFIDENTIAL WASTE: This service is provided by the Estates Directorate and is carried out by our waste contractor. All requests for confirdential waste are collated by estates colleagues and then sent to the waste contractor to arrange collection. To request a confidential waste uplift, please email estates-business-hub@glasgow.ac.uk (please ensure you include as much detail as possible). The online form is currently being updated.
  • ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT (WEEE): is contracted via the service provider CCL North Ltd - collections@cclnorth.com
  • HAZARDOUS WASTE: Various hazardous waste collection services are available to relevant management units throughout the University and include arrangements for processing chemical, biological and radioactive waste. These services are managed by the Safety and Environmental Protection Services (SEPS)