Monday 10th

Climate Cafe Workshop - GUEST  


17:30 - 19:00 EcoHub Not necessary - just turn up!


Women's Only Bike Maintenance Workshop - Women on Wheels  

Join us for an evening of hands-on activities with Women on Wheels and learn how to repair a puncture. A qualified bike mechanic will show you how to take off the front and back wheels, replace an inner tube, fix a puncture and give you other top tips.

This event is part of the International Women's Day (March 8th) celebrations and is open to women only. Due to limited space, we encourage you to book your spot in advance using the link below. Participants are asked to bring their own bikes. If that is not possible, please reach out to us at, and we will help arrange an alternative.


18:00 - 20:30 Queen's Margaret Union, Games Bar  Book here

Tuesday 11th

Bike Hub - GUEST 

The Bike Hub is a free bike repair service offered to UofG students and staff. You can book a slot below to be guaranteed that the bike mechanic will have time for your bike.

10:00 - 13:00 EcoHub Bike Hub booking form


Cycling Awareness Stalls 

  • Non-Standard Bike Trial - Free Wheel North

    Did you know that there exists a diversity of bikes for all ages and abilities? Come and meet Free Wheel North, a local cycling charity striving to provide equal opportunities to cycle for urban communities. You'll have the chance to try one of their multiple non-standard bikes, including a cargo bike and tandem bike. 
  • Bike Security Marking 

    Register your bike on the national bike database for free. If your bike is ever stolen and recovered the police, it can then be traced back to you.
  • Bike Lock Swap 

12:00 - 14:00 Wolfson Medical School Outdoors Stall  Not necessary, just turn up!


Women's Only Bike Maintenance Workshop

Join us for an evening of hands-on activities with Women on Wheels and learn about V-brakes. A qualified mechanic will teach you how to diagnose common brake problems on V-brakes, adjuste and replace brake pads and change brake cables. 

This event takes place in the context of the International Women's Day (March 8th) and is open to women only. Due to limited space, we encourage you to book your spot in advance using the link below. Participants are asked to bring their own bikes and ensure they have V-brakes. If that is not possible, please reach out to us at, and we will help arrange an alternative.


18:00 - 20:30  EcoHub Book here




Wednesday 12th

Bike Hub - GUEST + Bike Security Marking 

The Bike Hub is a free bike repair service offered to UofG students and staff. You can book a slot below to be guaranteed that the bike mechanic will have time for your bike.


10:00 - 13:00 Mary Stewart Building Bike Hub booking form 


JMS Pop-up Stall - Glasgow Council Active Travel Team 

Do you want to know what the council is doing to promote sustainable travel and improve the city transport network? Come and meet the Glasgow Council Active Travel Team at the JMS. 

TBC  James McCune Smith Building No need - just drop by! 



Bike Maintenance Workshop - Bike for Good



Thursday 13th

Nature Subcrawl - GUEST

10:00 - 13:00 EcoHub Bike Hub booking form


JMS Pop-up Stall - SPT

Come and meet SPT, your favourite and unique Glasgow subway. 

TBC James McCune Smith Building No need - just drop by!



Bike Hub - GUEST 

The Bike Hub is a free bike repair service offered to UofG students and staff. Book a slot below to be guaranteed that the bike mechanic will have time for your bike.

10:00 - 13:00 EcoHub Bike Hub booking form


Film Screening - GUEST 

18:00 - 20:00 EcoHub  


Friday 14th

A Pastry for a Cycle 

Cycling to campus this friday? The pastry is on us! Come to see us outside the Wolfson Medical School for a free pastry and coffee or tea. You will have the opportunity to meet the GUEST transport promoter and our cycling officer to discuss the University active travel initiatives, including our free NextBike membership.

08:30 - 11:00 Wolfson Medical School Outdoor Stall No need - drop by at any point


Bike Ride - Bike for Good + GUEST

13:00 - 15:00 Bike for Good West Hub   

Saturday 15th